Social Media Policy Workshop – Grand Haven Chamber

Social Media (SoMe) Policies are NOT One-Size-Fits-All
This hands-on session was originally developed for use with member of the Grand Haven, Spring Lake and Ferrysburg Chamber of Commerce. We reviewed policies from a variety of organizations and discovered what would work and possibly not work for individual member organizations.
- Your SoMe policy should reinforce existing corporate structure and policy or existing corporate structure and guidelines should be altered to not contridict your SoMe policy.
- SoMe policies not only provide governance, but also and exercise in understanding how social media could impact your organization.
- Organizations should leverage internal resources in the development of their policies
- Many stakeholders in your organization may have more insight than the people writing the policy
- Many stakeholders may consider themselves “experts” at social media but have minimal ability to understand how social media will really impact the organization
Types of Social Media Policies
- Public usage of organizational-provided social media tools
Example – Mayo Clinic
Example – Cleveland Clinic - Employee use of social media
Example – Associated Press
Example – Mayo Clinic
- Personal social media use on organization’s time
- Personal use of social media for or about organization
- Organization’s guidelines for using social media
Example – North Carolina
Example – The Coca-Cola Company
Providing Governance
- Technology solutions
- Peer review
- Open solutions (hope for the best)
Social Media Policy Template
Social Media Policy Template March 2013 Version B
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