Google Beyond Search – October 17 at TRENDS in Traverse City

On Thursday, October 17 and 18 staff and faculty from across Michigan will come together at the TRENDS in Occupational Studies conference in Traverse City, Michigan. I am pleased to have been invited to speak again this year. At this year’s event I will focus on Google and what it means to higher ed. My session is titled Search . . . beyond Google — Google . . . beyond Search.
We will explore alternatives to finding rich web resources beyond basic Google searches using Google alternative and Google’s own advanced search features. Examples will include finding scholarly resources online, finding resources where publishers have given permission for academic reuse and using Google alternatives to quickly find answers to specific questions.
Our session will also look at other Google provide tools that can help educators beyond the web including top mobile apps and ways to extend the Chrome browser for educational purposes.
We will also discuss special privacy and security issues related to the use of Google tools by educators and our students.
Find more information and to register for TRENDS visit them online.