February 16, 2025

Christopher VanOosterhout


SEO Seminars Coming to Grand Haven February and March 2014

Join me as I partner with The Chamber of Grand Haven, Spring Lake and Ferrysburg on Feburary 7 & March 7 for a two-part series on SEO for your organization.  The February session will be held at the Loutit District Library and the March session at the office of the Grand Haven, Spring Lake and Ferrysburg Chamber of Commerce.

We will start on February 7 with Search Engine Optimization 101:

Optimal placement in search engines can help your company or organization reach new prospects and firm up existing relationships. These two sessions (February & March) will guide participants through the search engine optimization process. Attendees will leave with tips they can begin to implement immediately as they start the process to better search engine rankings and better results for their efforts on the web. During this session, we will discuss the single most important component of any search engine optimization strategy as well as several secondary tactics organizations should implement. Real websites will be examined for what they do well and where they are weak related to search engine strategy. Participants will learn about how to decide what keywords are most important to their search engine efforts. There will be an introductory to which search engines provide the most potential for specific organizations as well as tools that will help organizations manage their search engine marketing and optimization plans.

Then on March 7 we will continue where we left off with Search Engine Optimization 201:

Nearly every concept covered in the 101 session will be expanded upon during this 201 session. We will continue our coverage of tools for implementing and measuring results of organizational search engine strategies. We will talk about strategies related to retiring and moving content with minimal risk to search engine positioning. Participants will examine how their own web site’s structure or content management systems could be impacting their results in search engines.

Both sessions will take place from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the Loutit District Library computer lab on Columbus Street in Grand Haven.

For details and to register, contact Courtney Geurink  via email at cgeurink@grandhavenchamber.org.  You may also call Courtney at (616) 842-4910 to reserve your spot.

Optimal placement in search engines can help your company or organization reach new prospects and firm up existingrelationships. These two sessions (February & March) will guide participants through the search engine optimizationprocess. Attendees will leave with tips they can begin to implement immediately as they start the process to better searchengine rankings and better results for their efforts on the web. During this session, we will discuss the single mostimportant component of any search engine optimization strategy as well as several secondary tactics organizations shouldimplement. Real websites will be examined for what they do well and where they are weak related to search enginestrategy. Participants will learn about how to decide what keywords are most important to their search engine efforts.There will be an introductory to which search engines provide the most potential for specific organizations as well as toolsthat will help organizations manage their search engine marketing and optimization plans.

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